Top 7 Reasons to get to the Lymphedema Awareness Walk March 28th 2015:
Movement and You:
1) Support Patients with Lymphedema and Breast Cancer Related Lymphedema.
All proceeds go toward assisting these patients with their care and supplies.
2) Cancer Prevention:
- Inactivity is strongly correlated to Cancer Risk.
- Movement prevents cancers.
- Common Side effects of cancer treatment are alleviated with exercise.
In the 2008 Journal of Clinical Oncology, women walking briskly 2-3 hours per week in the year prior to developing breast cancer were 31% less likely to die from the cancer than the sedentary women. Also, those women who increased their activity after diagnosis lowered their risk of death by 45%. Conversely, those decreasing their activity upon diagnosis increased their risk of death four-fold.
3) Enhances Strength and Density of Bones.
- Increases and maintains bone mineral density in older adults.
4) Prevents Diabetes:
- Maintains Normal Blood Sugar
- Improved insulin signaling
5) Improves Heart Health:
- Lowers Blood Pressure
- Lower Resting Heart Rate
- Improves Circulation
- Decrease Body Mass Index
6) Enhances Immunity:
- The strength of your immune system is directly correlated to physical activity.
- Can help prevent respiratory tract viral infections and reduce their duration.
7) Improved Mental Health:
- Improves image of Self
- Improves confidence
- Lowers Stress
- Improves Sleep
“Lise Alschuler, ND, FABNO, and Karolyn A. Gazella”
Peapod Purse
A Lymphedema Charitable Organization
5K Walk in Support of Lymphedema Awareness and Treatment
WHEN? Saturday March 28th, 2015 8am Registration/ 9am Start Time
WHAT? A 5K walk at the Manalapan Recreation Center
WHERE? Located at 120 County Road 522 in Manalapan, NJ
WHY? To support Lymphedema Awareness & Treatment
WHO? You!
For More Information or To Sign up Visit:
Peapod Purse 5K Walk for Lymphedema Patients
First Annual Lymphedema Walk for Charity Sponsored by The Peapod Purse Charitable Foundation.
For Online Registration and Donations go to the home of the Peapod Purse Lymphedema Charity (Clik) Or for Paper Registration (Clik)